Saturday, August 27, 2005

I'm a Cutie-Pie...

Check me out, yo!

Liana, Lisa & Jen

Today was a very busy day of meeting new friends. I also saw my mommy's friends from high school, who were all very excited to meet me! Mommy says that I behaved very well and it was fun hanging out with the ladies. Maybe one of these years I can come along on one of their girls' weekends!

Helen and John and Leland

We visited Leland for the first time today, who was born one week after I was. Here we're being held by our daddies and our mommies. Right above we tried to cuddle together but, well, we just don't really know how.

Isabel and Hannah

Our friends Isabel and Hannah came for a visit today. Hannah gave me her own bunny doll named Cooper, who is now my new friend.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Loyalty Group Shower

Daddy's friends at work threw a baby shower for me and for Keith and Kimberly (middle picture). They all played fun games, told wonderful stories and gave us very thoughtful gifts. The first picture is of Heather, who loved holding me when I was being a little fussy, and the bottom picture is Lindsay, with Judy, Heather and Justine looking on. It was my first big night out and I had a great time sleeping in my car seat.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Give Me a Hand

Soon I'll be bigger than my daddy's hand.

Aba and Ema

Last weekend my great grandparents Aba and Ema came for a visit and Ema held me for a long while. It was fun to meet them and I hope to see them again soon!

The Minskys

Our dear friends Adam and Heidi came over for a visit and brought their brood. Heidi is holding twin #1 Hannah as Noah swigs away, and below is Adam with twin #2 Jack. They have a very busy house!

John and Helen and the Power of Ella

True story.

Sweet, expecting Helen and maniacal John visited me last Saturday afternoon and the very next day Helen went early into labour and delivered baby Leland (almost effortlessly, I'm told). What can I say?

Me and the Cuz

I like hanging out with my cousin Riley, but we don't have a lot to talk about these days. We mostly just squeal, gurgle and cry.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

What you talkin' 'bout, mommy?

I just had a bath and mommy told me that we're out of hair styling mousse. For heavens!!!

Tania and Lewis

Our friends Tania and Jonathan came over for a visit and they brought their baby Lewis to meet me. He's a very happy, smiley baby, but me, I still like to keep my feelings to myself (other than screaming, of course).

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Cousin Ruth and Joe

After brunch cousin Ruth and Joe came by to meet me. They brought me some nice dolls as a gift, and cousin Ruth thought my toenails could use some nice, pink polish.


Daddy won't stop talking about this book so I thought I'd see what the fuss is all about and read it myself. While I agree that it's insightful and well-written, I'm having a hard time following its central thesis. Maybe I should stick with Curious George.

I Bahf'd

Oops. I don't think the pancakes agreed with me.

My First Brunch

Today mommy and daddy took me for my first brunch and to hang out with the gang. I had a latte and strawberry pancakes. In the next picture is Lisa, Marla, Joe, me, Mom, Dad, Danielle and Jeffrey. In the bottom picture you can see my reaction to Joe telling a funny joke.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


I'm relaxing between meals. Tough life.

The Boys

Three of daddy's oldest friends dropped by today to visit me (I'm behind the camera), Adam, Adam and Todd, and his son Andrew.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Mommy is super excited that I finally showed up to hang out with her. She's been awesome to talk to and is the best listener to all my baby tales. We enjoy a regular drink and love to take long walks together. I'm very lucky to have such a great mommy looking after me!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Jon and Allison

Uncle Jon and Aunty Allison dropped by for a visit and brought me a very soft monkey to play with. It's still bigger than me, but at least I can take it in an arm wrestle.


Here we are with Marla, with Joe behind the camera. It's my first time outside so I'm getting a few good UV's. Mommy and daddy can now stop using fake & bake on me.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I Oughta Be in Pictures

Not much going on here, just a cute baby. Keep it moving, people, on to the next posting.

Aunty Jessie

My Aunty Jessie is awfully sweet to me. I only have to wait until December (or January?) for her to bring me another cousin to play with. By that time, I should have a lot to teach him/her.

Safta Shirley

My Safta Shirley was so excited to hold me. She now has two granddaughters within two months. Such nachas!

First night

Here I am on my first night at home being held by my Safta Shirley. Based on the picture behind my head, I think my mommy and daddy were very excited that I had finally arrived!

Daddy's Pipes

I love hanging with my daddy. He's fun to play with, and he'll protect me with those big guns he uses as arms!!!

Another check up

Zaida Earl gave me another checkup and declared me fit to: a) be cute b) eat all I want, and c) cry whenever I feel the urge. Sorry, daddy!!!

My Daddy loves me

I know this because he keeps telling me.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Uncle Jon

My Uncle Jon looks pretty excited to be holding me for the first time. What's not to love??

Unc and the Cuz

All my family came to visit me on my first night in the hospital. Here, my very excited uncle Brad and my cousin Riley (don't they look alike??) are showing their enthusiasm. OK, well at least Brad is.

Yikes! Cold!!!

My pediatrician checked me out this afternoon and declared I was in excellent health. Thanks for taking good care of me, mommy!

I be chillin'...

I be chillin' here, waiting to meet the family for the first time. That was quite an exhausting ride through the birth canal!

Zaida Earl and Bubba Bru from Ottawa, Canada

I'm told that Zaida Earl is quite a celebrity within the Ottawa pediatric set and Bubba Bru has an in at the JCC. It doesn't hurt having friends in high places, no?


The nice nurse took the first picture of our whole family. It looks like I'm crying but it's just some eye ointment the doctor gave me. Mmm, moisturizing goodness!

Hi Daddy!

Daddy had a rough night helping me out, though he looks pretty darn pleased with me. Mommy takes great pictures after 16 hours of hard labour, don't you think?

My First Day

Here I am on my first day with mommy and daddy at Mt. Sinai Hospital. Mommy was pushing me for three long hours before I showed up. Fashionably late is the way to arrive,
or so I've been told! Check out my sweet locks.